
Ember recently transitioned to using WeakMaps (when available) to store its meta. This meta is used for book keeping, such as is a given object dirty, who is watching a given object, and a location to store other cached information about an object.

Our hope was by moving to WeakMaps we could:

  1. no longer polute objects with __ember_meta__ property
  2. avoid costly Object.defineProperty for non-enumerability
  3. avoid "Shape Changes" associated with adding an additional property to all tracked objects.
  4. Improve Performance

As it turns out 1, 2 have been nicely addressed. Unfortuantely performance isn't much improved, and it seems in some scenarios it may be actualy somewhat negative. The complex list benchmark suggests that as much as 5% of time is spent just in WeakMap land.

After Speaking with @bmeurer, he shared that the V8 team has also seen this, and they have several ideas:

Today in v8 when an object is used as a key in a collection (Set, Map, WeakMap, WeakSet) the object still must add a property to that object to store a unique identifier and doing so causes the objects shape to change.


// index.js
let set = new WeakSet();
let obj = { };
print('-- set.add(obj) --');


d8_debug --trace-maps index.js

note: d8_debug is an alias to path/to/v8/out/x64.debug/d8 which was built via make native debug on v8@26bc590629


-- set.add(obj) --
[TraceMaps: Transition from= 0x3460b3c032d9 to= 0x3460b3c0f569 name= <hash_code_symbol> ]

What we are seeing is obj recieving a new property <has-code-symbol>, which transitions obj into a new shape. Now code "optimized" to work with the old shape of object will be invalid, and require recompile if used with the new shaped ojb.

<has_code_symbol> is the property which contains the hash code used for Map/Set/WeakSet/WeakMap identity, and it set here:

function GetHash(key) {
  var hash = GetExistingHash(key);
  if (IS_UNDEFINED(hash)) {
    hash = (MathRandom() * 0x40000000) | 0;
    if (hash === 0) hash = 1;
    SET_PRIVATE(key, hashCodeSymbol, hash); // <-- adds a property to key (our object)
  return hash;

codez in v8:

  4. <-- mutates

Although objects all do have a unique pointer, the pointer itself may change do to the garbage collector moving things around.

My first thought was, what if all objects already had a private hash property. Unfortunately I was informed this would result in unwanted memory waste, as this property and value are typically unused.

Instead, the idea being proposed is more creative. Today, all objects have the following layout:

properties <-- inlined properties/values
elements <-- either empty, or a pointer to a position backing store

Given that the elements pointer is often unused, it can serve as the hash value. If it is used as a pointer, the first position in the elements storage would be that hash value.

This would illiminate the shape changed associated with using an object as a key in a collection such as Map Set WeakMap WeakSet, all while minizing memory overhead.